Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I, Me, Myself

musafir tagged to me to this fulfilled ur dream u answers.....

I am thinking about

A lot of things! My mind is like an ocean with a lot of wild currents that intermingle.

I said-

I have crossed a lot of levels in my life ( That's what I keep saying to people and bug them!)

I want to -
Get a job and fulfill my long time dreams.

Score a 50 and pick 5 wickets for the WVU cricket team.

Resume playing my guitar someday soon.

I wish -
I could play the ‘Celtic bagpipes’ in Ireland.

I miss -
Home and its wonderful people

I hear -
The voice of millions around the world suffering from hunger and the lack of shelter.

I wonder -
If aliens really exist…

I need -

I regret -

Being the person I was

I dance -
When I am hyperactive or when nobody is around

I cry -
Very rarely and when alone

I am not always -

I make with my hands -
I break more than I make!

I write -
direct from my heart

I confuse -
The lanes which I drive when I am back home

I should try -

Japanese food

To get up earlier during the mornings


Bowling right handed

I should finish -
Reading the ‘Bhagvad Gita’

I know -
Not a lot of things…

“Known is a drop…unknown is an ocean “

I am -
What I am!

And finally -

“Be kind, for everyone whom you meet is fighting a tough battle”-Plato


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